2020 Art Gallery Shows

Children in Art, Art for Children

Feb 7-Mar 14, 2020


Join us for our Reception

on Friday, Feb 7, 4-7pm



This show is about children and how we inspire them to take their own path-
maybe art, maybe another passion.
Beauty, fun, curiosity...inspiration.
What will be a part of our exhibition?
Could be...art on the wall, mixed media, digital art, 3D offerings, eg sculpture, lego forms, wood models, ceiling hangings, hand crafted toys... Music, stories, quotes to live by...
Stimulate the imagination.
Art OF children, of course...


Nicola Valley Community Arts Show Robert Moretti

"I Love Painting!"

April 25-May 25, 2020


Robert Moretti says he came late to painting. But he enjoys it a lot, and comes up with lots of ideas.


His style is eclectic, as you'll see in our first online show. He tries out different styles and we see a lot of variety and themes.


Robert has been a part of our art community now for just over two years. He contributes to every Community show we have.

Robert has joined our artisans in the Gallery Shop, displaying one or two pieces and volunteering at the Gallery to welcome locals and visitors to the valley.


Robert's show had been booked since 2019. When Covid 19 shut down happened, it was just days before Bob's show was going up. 

We put it up anyway and had lots of visitors online.


Then we were able to open the Gallery and invited the public in to see Robert's show in person!


The Robert Moretti Show 


Most of Robert's pieces are for sale. Contact the Arts Gallery if you are interested.


Landscapes of the Nicola Valley

with local artist Dave Barber


May 28-June 13/20


Come and see the beautiful oil paintings at the old

Courthouse Arts Gallery!


Regular Hours

Thursday to Saturday



 All paintings Oil on Canvas Board

$200 Framed

Either 11x14" or 12x16"


Landscapes of the Nicola Valley

(Check back for Dave's show)


 "From the Earth" 

Indigenous Peoples Day Art Show



Sharon Antoine

Shannon Kilroy

Hank Yamelst

Leonard George

Karan Coutlee


Art on the Wall

Designer Fashion Outfits


Drums and Sticks


Birchbark and Bead Jewelry


Come and see original First Nations Artwork

from Nlaka'pamux (Thompson) and Okanagan Members

Some Items For Sale.

Some Items Display Only


Covid 19 Protocols

Physical Distancing, Hand Sanitizer

Bring your mask. 

(Or buy one of Cindy Trent's! 3 sizes, lots of patterns!)

It was fun!


Art and Music at the Courthouse!

June 25th 6-8pm

Music and Food outside on the lawn.


Indigenous Art inside!


The Bee Show

A Community Exhibition


Bee Art and information

Local Artists, Writers,

Apiarists, Beekeepers



Reception Thursday, July 23rd, 4-7pm

Honey Snacks

Covid 19 Protocols


Regular hours Thursday to Saturday 12-6pm


Come and see this lovely show!

And get some local honey!

This show was suggested by NVCAC Director Jennifer Artibise (months ago). 

And is supported by Gallery Shop Artisan and Apiarist Diana Grimshire of Grimshire Apiaries.

Diana is bringing an "observation hive" for our Reception, and for the Bee Creative workshop for kids.

And artist and apiarist Sarah Desrosier of Coquihalla Apiaries is leading the children's workshop with NVCAC pres Mischelle Pierce.


Thanks to all who have brought art, writing, and info for this show!

Our art show related workshop.

Kids Art!

Still time to sign up!

NVCAC president Mischelle Pierce brought BAE Bill for a tour of the bee show!

Amanda Dunn's paper quilling art piece was purchased on the show's first day. And we let it go because the buyers were from Mission, on their way home. 

So here it is!

Memories and Mandalas

Celebration of Life in the Nicola Valley

Sept 4 - 26/20


We invited NVCAC members to bring artwork, writing, and song inspired by, or created by loved ones and mentors they have lost.

Georgina Beatty, George Armstrong, Molly Lauder, Peter McVey, Diane Kiernan, Beatrice Sederberg, Leonard and Doris George, and Gordon Cockle’s works are on display.

Artists Judy Young, Jean Kiegerl, Cindy Trent, and Richard Lepinsky share their own work inspired by loved ones.

And Mischelle Pierce has brought work by her mother, still with us, Carol Yurkowski.

Enjoy also, Mandala work by Kathleen Kinasewich, Evelyn Armstrong, and more.

The mandala can express grief and joy, heartfelt emotions, and life’s cycles.


The work of artists make a lasting impression. It’s a beautiful show.

Come join us and honour artists who have passed. And remember your own loved ones.


We hope to see you at our Reception, Thursday Sept 10, 4-7pm.


Come and chat with the artists and families of people remembered. Share stories.

Inaugural Show in our new Location

2051 Voght Street

Downtown Merritt


Art for the Love for It

with Jean Kiegerl

and Twin Willows


Painting, Stained Glass

Come and see this beautiful exhibition in our new space...




Gallery and Artisan Shop


5th Annual 

Winter Artisan

Show and Sale

November 20 - December 24/20


New hours at our new location!

Wednesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12-4pm

2051 Voght Street.

Enter beside Kekuli Cafe


Grand Opening and Reception

2-9pm, Friday, Nov 20/20


Enjoy shopping in our community!



Nicola Valley Arts Centre

Discover your community at the Arts Centre!

P: 250-378-6515

E: info@nicolavalleyarts.com

M: PO Box 92 | Merritt, BC | V1K 1B8

2051 Voght Street (beside Kekuli Cafe)


Hours: Mon 10 am - 5 pm, closed Tuesdays

Wed-Sat 10 am - 5 pm | Sun 12 pm - 4 pm


Powered by creativity, our members, and our sponsors - thank you!