The Nicola Valley Art Gallery

The Nicola Valley Arts Gallery is a hub of activity for artists and arts enthusiasts, to meet and chat, and share materials, processes, skills, and interests. The artwork exhibition in the Gallery changes almost monthly. We welcome and support the visual arts, music, and the performing arts.


We encourage artists in the community through:

  • shows
  • workshops
  • classes
  • resources
  • and programs

Let us know what your interests are!



Pop in and see us - 2051 Voght Street, Merritt, BC

Enter beside Kekuli Cafe

Open Wednesday to Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm, Sunday 12 - 4pm

Currently at the Art Gallery

2024/2025 Gallery Shows


Sept 12 - October 13 Artist Leonard George


Oct 16 - Nov 10 Community Show Whodunnit


Nov 14 - Dec 24 9th Winter Artisan Show


Jan 8 - Feb 2 Rediscovering Treasures


Feb 5 - Mar 2 Community Art Show - The Art of Fibre


March 5 - 30 Robin Humphrey - Awakening


April 2 - 27 The Freedom of Flaws featuring Amy McLaren


May - Linda Suzuki and Kathy Cox-Neil


June - Grad Art Class Show


July - Summer Artisan Show


August - Summer Artisan Show


 Interested in your own art show? Read our Call for Artists below. 

Call For Artists - Solo and Group Shows for Local Artists


The NVCAC Arts Gallery invites local artists and artist groups to apply for exhibitions. We recommend submitting your application well in advance of your preferred show dates, as most shows are booked months ahead. Exhibitions typically run for 5 weeks.


Selection and scheduling are at the discretion of the Gallery Curator and Committee.


What We Offer

  • Professional Display System: A heavy-duty system consisting of rails, cables, and hooks to display paintings and related artwork.
  • Plinth Blocks: For showcasing artwork on elevated surfaces.
  • Large Display Cabinet: To showcase artwork and decorations.
  • Entryway Use: An additional area for creative installations.
  • Promotional Content: Free of charge.
  • Reception Support: Food, beverages, and setup for opening and closing receptions.

Application Process


Applicants must thoroughly read and complete the Google Forms below to apply for a review and approval of their exhibition. Please select the form that applies to you - for artists/groups or for community art.

The form requires the mandatory upload of a profile picture and media related to the artwork intended for display. Please ensure you have these files ready before proceeding. For any questions or concerns, contact


To apply and have your application considered, you must be a member of the NVCAC.

Art Gallery Workshop For Featured Artists (Instructors)


In addition to offering space for art shows, the NVCAC invites applicants to submit this form if they wish to share their talent and knowledge with the community by leading a workshop during the duration of their exhibition.


We recommend completing this application only after submitting the primary application for the art show.

Nicola Valley Arts Centre

Discover your community at the Arts Centre!

P: 250-378-6515


M: PO Box 92 | Merritt, BC | V1K 1B8

2051 Voght Street (beside Kekuli Cafe)


Hours: Mon 10 am - 5 pm, closed Tuesdays

Wed-Sat 10 am - 5 pm | Sun 12 pm - 4 pm


Powered by creativity, our members, and our sponsors - thank you!