Jim Kelly moved to Merritt with his wife Marilyn in 2021, and since then both have become valuable members of the arts community in the Nicola Valley. Jim is often seen around the Arts Centre doing one helpful thing or another, such as securing shelving, installing lights and hanging signs. It takes more than just "artists" to create and maintain a successful and inclusive community, and we very much appreciate Jim's willingness to jump in and lend a hand wherever and whenever it's needed. Here's what Jim says about being part of the Nicola Valley Community Arts Council:
"Looking back on the past 2-3 years, I've seen many changes at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre. After seeing the challenges and work that the Arts Council goes through to make the presentations, displays, receptions etc happen, it was a very easy decision to volunteer and help as much as possible with the setups, basic electrical work and general handyman jobs. Anything to make the Nicola Valley Arts Centre a destination in Merritt."
Thank you, Jim!
If you would like to volunteer for the NVCAC, please get in touch with our volunteer coordinator Sarah (volunteer@nicolavalleyarts.com) or check out this page on our website.