The Nicola Valley Community Arts Council is excited to present the Little Free Art Gallery! Installed at the corner of Nicola and Voght Street at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre, this project was brought to life by a Local Love Fund from the United Way, support from Merritt Home Hardware, and many hours of work from our volunteers (thank you, Roland Auer, for building it and several of our volunteers for painting).
Media director Kerstin Auer first brought the project to the Arts Council after her daughter-in-law Madison sent her a picture of a Little Free Art Gallery she had seen online. The directors fully supported the idea and once funding was obtained from the United Way, the work began. It’s a perfect fit for the Arts Council’s mission to connect community through the arts. The concept is much like the Free Little Libraries, just for Art. Leave art you made or collected, take art to make your heart happy.
The NVCAC added several art kits and supplies to kick off the project, and within a few days, the first works of art were deposited in the little gallery! The Arts Council will continue to stock art supplies to encourage budding or established artists and artisans of all ages to participate. All art is welcome! Please handle the Little Free Art Gallery with care and help make this a treasured part of our community.