
Behind the Scenes - Diana Grimshire

We are thrilled to share a look behind the scenes of Grimshire Apiary. Diana Grimshire - who also teaches the Beeswax Luminaries class for the NVCAC - recently shared some of her beeswax refining process with us, and of course, we want to share it with you!

You can find Grimshire Apiaries honey and more at the Nicola Valley Arts Centre Artisan Gift Shop.


words and images shared by Diana Grimshire


This is the last of the cappings and odds and ends of scrapings from the hives during the season. Placed in a large pot with lots of water. As it comes to temperature and melts the wax floats to the top, any remaining honey combines with the water and the other impurities settle below the wax layer.


I let this batch settle overnight and in the morning was able to pour off this incredible beeswax.


Cooling in our very sophisticated cooling vats!

Thank goodness for a daughter with twin 1yr old boys who love yogurt 💕


I never get tired of looking at or smelling the finished product. Nothing more beautiful and I am forever grateful to have this beautiful resource from our bees. 🐝

Nicola Valley Arts Centre

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P: 250-378-6515

E: info@nicolavalleyarts.com

M: PO Box 92 | Merritt, BC | V1K 1B8

2051 Voght Street (beside Kekuli Cafe)


Hours: Mon 10 am - 5 pm, closed Tuesdays

Wed-Sat 10 am - 5 pm | Sun 12 pm - 4 pm


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