Creating Space: Weaving Stories in Fibre 2023 - Wood, Stone, and Weaving
The snares of life, of love, of existing as a human on this planet are persistently encountered whether invited or not.
Looped weaving is an essential form of fabric construction; of clothing, baskets, containers & entrapments such as fish netting, to keep humans warm, to help gather food/liquid and to provide sustainable sustenance.
Working the fibre in a repetitive and meditative manner brought to mind the necessity of this long lived practice but the mind wandered off into the realm of human created entrapments. The snares of life, of love, of existing as a human on this planet are persistently encountered whether invited or not. These are the Entanglements of our own creation and have been brought to bear from internal and external sources. These traps manifest in many forms: The Bow, The Heart, The Spirit and The Body.

The Bow Entanglement…symbolizes the traps set by accusations, unjust comments, slander innuendo, rumours and the natural human reaction and resulting unbalance that follows. We may also endure the “sticks and stones” thrust our way.
The Body Entanglement represents where we are by the influence of the decisions we make; a net that keeps us happily/unhappily in place. Stress signals may arise from the snare, from burnout, or perhaps even boredom or complacency. It may be that our environment has been drastically altered and forced upon us. Fires, floods, heat, drought cause displacement, disruption and loss, entrapping those affected in an unwanted location.

The Heart Entanglement is the most human of all. Love, jealousy, deceit; all the affairs of the heart, since humans have been making pictographs on cliff faces with ochre paint, have always been a source of impediment. Again the “trap” may be a contented, comfortable snag such as a cozy nest or relationship or on the other hand might be a snaggle of spiky thorns…
The Spirit Entanglement represents the trappings, snares and challenges over time. Life is fraught with confrontations, decisions, traps and snags. Once solved there is sure to be another lined up to be encountered.
The ground is in constant shift and the environment at times untenable. The trick is to keep positive, meet challenges face forward with gusto, lest one might be swallowed up into the abyss…